
Setting goals and tracking progress

Tourism has the potential to help resolve some of the most pressing global challenges for people and the planet.

Guiding our efforts to generate sustainable development, support livelihoods and nurture resilient environments are multiple frameworks that we employ across the Group.

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards

Throughout our progress reports we reference The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards — independent international standards that are regularly reviewed to ensure they reflect global best practice for sustainability reporting, helping organisations respond to emerging information demands from stakeholders and regulators.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

We align our reporting with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which makes a specific call to the tourism industry to provide decent work, protect life below water and drive economic growth, responsible consumption and production.

United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

As a founding signatory of the United Nations Global Compact in Singapore (UNGS), we apply the precautionary principle when managing and mitigating the impacts of our material risks, and align our efforts and reporting with the UNGC’s Ten Principles for human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX)

We transitioned to the list of core ESG metrics proposed by Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX) and aligned with GRI, TCFD, SASB and WEF frameworks one year in advance by adopting metrics that currently align with our existing reporting scope.

Ethical Compliance & Anti-corruption

We subscribe to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and support the UN World Tourism Organisation Global Code of Ethics for sustainable development, safeguarding cultural and natural heritage, integrating locals, and supporting workers' rights.

Our Code of Conduct strengthens associates’ awareness of good corporate conduct, governs conflicts of interest and guarantees freedom from sexual harassment.

We promote diversity and inclusiveness, hire without discrimination and recognise freedom of association. Our whistle-blower policy affords freedom to report violations without retaliation.